Sunday 15 June 2014

Cricket Clothes

White And Coloured Cricket Clothing:

Why Do Cricket Player's Wear White & coloured Clothing?  

In a normal one day cricket game and in a test match cricket game cricketers are required to wear specific white coloured kit because a red ball is used to play the match with. Wearing white coloured clothing in cricket is an advantage for the players especially for the batsman as the red ball can be seen even more clearly becuase of the white coloured background of the white clothes that the bowlers wear whilst bowling.
white clothes are basicaly worn so that the red ball can be easily and clearly seen by the players as well as the batsmen. Not only white coloured clothes are used to help the players see the ball clearly becuase in modernn cricket a big white screens made up of wood and painted in white are placed in the line of the cricket pitch so that when the bowlers release the cricket ball in the air the batsmen could see the ball because sometimes when the bowlers release the ball from their hands the ball cant viusally be seen properly as the ball can camoflage with the background and can cause the batsmen dissruptions during playtime. 

In twenty20 cricket matches which are short and only 20 overs per each team, the cricket players in modern cricket are required to wear coloured shirts like the one shown in the picture. The reason why you are required to wear coloured shirts in twenty20 cricket matches is because coloured cricket balls are used and the colour of the ball can be clearly and easily seen with a coloured shirt in the back ground, so therefore coloured shirts are reuired to be worn. Here again a different coloured shirt helps players and the batsmen to see the ball clearly whilst being bowled.

The white cricket clothing has its own reasons and advantages to why it is required to be worn and so does the coloured cricket clothing.  

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