Wednesday 18 June 2014

Cricket Gloves & pads

Cricket Gloves:

These are the latest and the high-protective grade A cricket batting gloves manufactured by the Australian company called Kookaburra.
These batting gloves shown in the image on the left are layered with various materials that act like an shield and protect the batters hands and fingers during batting.
During cricket matches and practices the cricket ball can be bowled and delievered at a quite fast speed so therefore the company made the gloves with extra light protection materials within the hand stitched batting gloves. These gloves are only worn by the batsmen when going for batting. These gloves are thickly padded above the fingers and on the thumb of the hand, to basically protect against the hard and fast impact from the ball as it is bowled. This pair of gloves are quite modern and produced well with good quality and protection due to the technology that was used to create these gloves. Technology has had a massive impact on production as well as manufacturing of sports and cricket equipments like these gloves shown above.

This picture on the left is a great example of how old cricket batting gloves use to look like many decades ago in the early days of cricket.
above the area of the fingers there use to be a slight pointed rubber strip that was used to absorb the impact of the ball if it hit the hand, however that was the least amount of hand protection that was made and manufactured because the manufacturers didn't have enough machinery and technology in order to develop a pair of gloves like shown in the first picture.

If the batsmen got hit on the hand or fingers whilst wearing this glove then you would expect to have a injury if not a broken bone because these gloves didn't have enough protection on them in order to protect the batsmen's hand and fingers.

Sunday 15 June 2014

Cricket Balls

Modern cricket balls are made and manufactured with solid hide and fine coloured leather stitched over it.
This picture on the left shows how modern cricket balls look like. Now days you can purchase balls that have different colours in range and this is a photograph that I took of my own personal cricket balls that I have collected as they are expensive and rare.

These modern cricket balls are also stamped in gold with the manufacturers and companies logo on them. The pink coloured ball in the picture has a gold stamp over the pink leather showing the companies image and logo that produced the ball. This is done so that whoever uses the ball can see who manufactured and produced the cricket ball. It sometimes help promoting the product as well as the company that produces it.

The white and pink coloured balls are used in cricket macthes like Twenty20 and One day international games because coloured clothes are worn in those two types of games. Therefore coloured cricket balls like these shown in the picture are required to be used in the matches by the cricket officials.

These two pictures above show how cricket balls use to look like many years ago when they were first invented and manufactured. The picture on the left shows the most oldest cricket balls that have now been stappled with a shield metal plating over them stating when they were made and who used  them etc. The picture on right shows the next latest cricket balls to the old ones. The second picture of the red balls stacked up are the developed version of the old cricket balls. The difference between them was that the newly developed cricket balls were made with more coloured leather and a better solid hide inside the centre of the balls. Now days there are even more modern and multi coloured cricket balls that the companies have invented and manufactured. Ever since the first cricket ball was invented, the procedure, quality and appearance has massively changed over the years that hae gone past. Modern technology has had a massive impact on how the balls are designed and manufactured to the right scale and wieght.

Cricket Bats

Modern And Old Cricket Bats

Modern cricket bats are manufactured and made with specific wood types like the English and Kashmir willow.
Willow wood type is used becuase of the nature it contains. The williow wood can be shaped easily and has close grains which enables the wood to take knocks without breaking and chipping whilst using the cricket bat in matches and practices. That is the main reason why Willow wood is used to produce and manufacture the cricket bats.

Modern cricket bats like shown in the picture above are customised and personalised with multi coloured stickers and logos that represent the companies logo and name that 
has manufactured the bat. Each company that manufactures cricket bats have their own trade mark stickers of their logos and slogans that they portray on the cricket bats.

The picture above shows and represents my personal cricket bat that i use in indoor practices as well as for matches outdoors in the crikcet grounds.

This image on the left hand side shows how cricket bats use to look like when cricket was first founded and played many decades ago.

This picture shows how cricket bats have developed since they were first invented and made.
The first cricket bat that was made is the first hockey look a like stick on the left in this picture and then it shows how cricket bats progressed and looked after the first one was manufactured.

Cricket bats in the early days of cricket were completely simple and plain. They had no stickers or any sort of colour on them. The bats looked like the ones shown in this picture on the left. They looked brown and boring compared to the modern cricket bats that have white wood colour and also have colourful stickers that visually make the cricket bats look attractive and good looking. 

Before whoever use to make the cricket bats obviously didnt have much technology as there is now days, as the companies that manufacture cricket bats have techonology and machinery that designs and applys the stickers on the wooden cricket bats itself so in a way manufacturing of cricket bats has change massively since the early days of cricket bat production.

Cricket Clothes

White And Coloured Cricket Clothing:

Why Do Cricket Player's Wear White & coloured Clothing?  

In a normal one day cricket game and in a test match cricket game cricketers are required to wear specific white coloured kit because a red ball is used to play the match with. Wearing white coloured clothing in cricket is an advantage for the players especially for the batsman as the red ball can be seen even more clearly becuase of the white coloured background of the white clothes that the bowlers wear whilst bowling.
white clothes are basicaly worn so that the red ball can be easily and clearly seen by the players as well as the batsmen. Not only white coloured clothes are used to help the players see the ball clearly becuase in modernn cricket a big white screens made up of wood and painted in white are placed in the line of the cricket pitch so that when the bowlers release the cricket ball in the air the batsmen could see the ball because sometimes when the bowlers release the ball from their hands the ball cant viusally be seen properly as the ball can camoflage with the background and can cause the batsmen dissruptions during playtime. 

In twenty20 cricket matches which are short and only 20 overs per each team, the cricket players in modern cricket are required to wear coloured shirts like the one shown in the picture. The reason why you are required to wear coloured shirts in twenty20 cricket matches is because coloured cricket balls are used and the colour of the ball can be clearly and easily seen with a coloured shirt in the back ground, so therefore coloured shirts are reuired to be worn. Here again a different coloured shirt helps players and the batsmen to see the ball clearly whilst being bowled.

The white cricket clothing has its own reasons and advantages to why it is required to be worn and so does the coloured cricket clothing.